About Me
Jessica C. Lesigues OTR/L, CHT, CLT
Nationally Certified Hand Therapist (HTCC)
California Hand Therapy Certification
Nationally Registered Occupational Therapist
California Licensed Occupational Therapist
Certified Lymphedema Therapist
California Physical Agent Modality Certification
Jessica C. Lesigues is an Occupational Therapist who specializes in Hand Therapy. She moved to Santa Barbara in 2015, after marrying Santa Barbara native, David Rivere-Feld, who also shares a healthcare passion as a Physical Therapist. She most recently worked in the Goleta Valley Cottage Hand Therapy Department over the past five years.
Jessica has a career spanning over 19 years in the field of Occupational Therapy, including more than a decade dedicated to specialized practice in Hand Therapy. She feels at peace when treating clients with hand injuries and takes pride in her expertise in fabricating customized orthoses. She enjoys connecting and listening to her client’s stories and believes that each individual’s life experiences play an integral role in the healing of their hand conditions. She feels a sense of joy in seeing her clients improve, and when they are able to maintain functional goals. She believes in a holistic approach and recognizes the interconnection between physical and psychological facets of hand rehabilitation. She believes that working together with her client will result in achieving more functional outcomes.
Why See a Certified Hand Therapist?
A hand therapist has advanced study and experience and specializes in treating individuals with conditions affecting the hands and upper extremities. A qualified hand therapist can evaluate and treat problems related to the upper extremity.
The hand therapist can effectively treat and rehabilitate the patient through post-operative rehabilitation, preventative, non-operative conservative treatment, or industry consultation.
The therapist works closely with the physician and patient to provide a continuum of care. This often starts within days of the injury or surgery, right through the patient’s return to work and/or a productive lifestyle.
A Certified Hand Therapist provides:
Accurate assessments, immediate care, and effective treatment to reduce treatment time
A continuum of care eliminating the need for multiple medical providers
Faster recovery results in decreased medical costs
Functional outcomes ensuring a faster return to work and productive lifestyle
The most comprehensive care for their patients